Bradford Schools Athletic Association


Constitution (revised on 2 October 2006)


1. Name: The Association shall be named the Bradford Schools Athletic Association.


2. Objects: The objects of the Association shall be the mental, moral, and physical development of schoolboys and schoolgirls through the medium of athletics, and to help such charities as the Committee of the Association may from time to time determine.


3. Affiliation: All schools in the Bradford Metropolitan District shall be eligible for membership subject to the approval of the Committee.


4. The Association shall be affiliated to the West Yorkshire Schools Athletic Association.


5. Organisation: The affairs of the association shall be managed by a Chairman,

Vice-chairman, Ex-chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, and a Committee who shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, and have the power to co-opt as necessary. The Officers and the Committee shall be teachers or former teachers of schools. The quorum shall be five persons, including representatives of at least three schools. The Vice-chairman of one year shall be the Chairman for the next year.


6. Finance: The Committee shall control the finances which shall be solely used for the furtherance of the objects stated in Rule 2. The Committee shall be responsible for the trophies of the Association.


7. The financial year shall be from 1 September to 31 August.


8. All Association monies shall be deposited at a bank or building society convenient to the Hon. Treasurer, such bank or building society to be reported to an Annual General Meeting. The Hon Treasurer and the Hon. Secretary shall be empowered jointly to sign all cheques.


9. Annual General Meeting: The Annual General Meeting of the Association, of which 8 days notice shall be given, shall be held during the Autumn term.


10. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be transacted in the following order:


a. Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting

b. Adoption of Standing Orders

c. Correspondence

d. Adoption of Hon. Secretary's, Hon. Treasurer's and Other Reports, and audited Balance Sheet

e. Installation of new Chairman

f. Election of Officers, Committee and an Hon. Auditor

g. Alteration of Rules

h. The next season's activities


11. Notice of any proposed alteration of rules must be forwarded in writing to reach the Hon. Secretary at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting. Copies of any proposed alterations shall be sent with the notice calling the Annual General Meeting.


12. Voting at the Annual General Meeting shall be restricted to one vote per school, and no change of policy made or rule altered unless supported by at least two thirds of the votes cast.


13. Special General Meeting: At the request of 5 schools, given in writing to the Hon. Secretary, a Special General Meeting must be called. 8 days notice must be given and the agenda supplied with such notice. No other business may be conducted at this meeting.


14. Dissolution: In the event of the Association being dissolved, the Committee shall realise the property and assets, and call in all monies due to the Association, and, after the discharge of all liabilities, hand the surplus to the West Yorkshire Schools Athletic Association.


15. Life Membership: The association has power to elect Life Members. Any nominations for Life Membership shall be presented by the committee at the Annual General Meeting.