The Association will hold its annual Cross-Country Championships for Boys and Girls attending schools in the Metropolitan District of Bradford on Wednesday 17 January 2024 at Northcliffe Playing Fields, Bradford Road, Shipley. The team to represent Bradford in the West Yorkshire Schools Championships, at the Grammar School at Leeds, on Saturday 3 February 2024, will be selected on the results of this meeting. We are allowed to send FIFTEEN competitors to run in each race.
There is no need for dates of birth at this stage, though competitors selected to represent West Yorkshire will be required to supply that information.
The COURSE is a lap one and is suitable for spikes. Approximate distances are:
Juniors Intermediates Seniors
Year7 Years 8-9 Years 10-11 Years 12-13
GIRLS 2200m 3000m 3800m 3800m
BOYS 3000m 3800m 5000m 5800m
The approximate timetable of the starts of the races is:
Senior Girls and Intermediate Girls 1.00 p.m.
Senior Boys 1.10 p.m
Junior Boys and Year 7 Boys 1.40 p.m
Junior Girls and Year 7 Girls 2.00 p.m
Intermediate Boys 2.30 p.m.
TEAMS There is no limit on the numbers that may be entered in each race. IN ALL races there will be 4 to count in the team race.
ENTRY FEES For schools that have opted to pay the annual fee of £75 there is no further charge. For
those who have opted out, there is a charge of £3 per entry.
Any cheques should be made payable to: Bradford Schools Athletic Association
For payment by BACS:
Account Name: Bradford Schools Athletic Association
Account No: 53008496 Sort Code: 60-92-04
Account Reference: 5300849607 (Please use this Reference No., and not one of your own.)
CLOSING DATE Entries must reach Tony Kingham NO LATER THAN MONDAY EVENING January 15. They must be made on the attached forms – you will find tabs for the four different age-groups at the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet.
TOILETS: Unfortunately, there are no toilets at the venue.
FIRST AID: Schools are responsible for their own athletes.
NUMBERS: Should be collected in bulk from me – they will be named. Please ensure that they are securely fastened on the front of vests.
CHAMPIONSHIP CERTIFICATES: There will be Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates for the first four finishers in the first three teams in each race, plus certificates for the first three individuals.
RESULTS: Will be available on the website by Friday 19 January. Instructions for those who are selected will also be available. I shall NOT be sending out letters to individual athletes.
If you have any queries, please do contact me:
Mob: 07932829102 e-mail:
Tony Kingham 19 Wharncliffe Road, Shipley BD18 2AW